Product sheets

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Pistachio conveyor belt

We manufacture conveyor belts for dried fruit such as hazelnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, almonds for the elevation of the product consisting of a loading hopper, a slatted belt available in ...
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Hazelnut conveyor belt

We manufacture conveyor belts for dried fruit such as hazelnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, almonds for the elevation of the product consisting of a loading hopper, a slatted belt available in ...
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Elevator belt for chestnut transport

Slat conveyor machinery, for handling chestnuts with an elevator belt.
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Manual chestnut sorting machinery

Macchinario per la cernita delle castagne manuale mediante operatore, completo di guide laterali per lo scarto bocchette uscita scarti tramoggia uscita prodotto in acciaio inox, ...
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Manual hazelnut sorting machinery

Macchinario per la cernita delle nocciole manuale mediante operatore, completo di guide laterali per lo scarto bocchette uscita scarti tramoggia uscita prodotto in acciaio inox, ...
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Machinery for manual sorting of pistachios

Macchinario con nastro trasportatore per la scelta manuale dei pistacchi mediante operatore, completo di guide laterali per lo scarto bocchette uscita scarti, tramoggia uscita prodotto ...
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Closed for HOLIDAYS

We inform our kind customers that we will remain closed from
December 23rd to January 6th

Happy Holidays!